The Audiosync extension

You’ll realize that some videos aren’t exactly in sync. That’s because the videos are played from YouTube, and they are usually different versions of the song, have intros and outros… which mess up the timing. Although this is very complicated to fix, Vidify has an audio synchronization extension that tries to.

The full repository is in vidify/audiosync. It’s still Work-In-Progress, so it might be harder to use.

Audiosync is only available on Linux for now. It’s strongly recommended to use Mpv as the video player because it’s more precise. You can install it with pip install vidify[audiosync], along with the following dependencies:

  • FFTW: libfftw3 on Debian-based distros.
  • ffmpeg: ffmpeg on most repositories. It must be available on your PATH..
  • pulseaudio: pulseaudio, pre-installed on most distros, and libpulse-dev.
  • youtube-dl: this is installed by default with Vidify, but make sure it’s available on your PATH.

It’s also available as vidify-audiosync on the AUR, and it comes pre-installed in the binaries.

It can be activated with --audiosync, or inside your config file:

audiosync = true

You can calibrate the audiosync results with the option --audiosync-calibration or audiosync_calibration. By default it’s 0 milliseconds, but it may depend on your hardware.

Note: if when using audiosync there’s no sound, you might need to disable stream target device restore by editing the corresponing line in /etc/pulse/default.pa to load-module module-stream-restore restore_device=false.

Note 2: you should make sure that the sink being recorded is either audiosync, or the one where the music is playing (your headphones or speaker). Here’s an example on Pavucontrol (it’s usually called ‘Monitor of …’):
